Learn About Online Memorials

Online Memorials

 Forty years ago it was commonly expected that an obituary for a loved one would be published in the print newspapers in the community or communities where the deceased resided for any length of time. But the continued decline in readership, due in large part to the Internet, has greatly affected this long-standing tradition. In fact, today's newspapers are changing the way they deal with obituary submissions: while some local newspapers publish obituaries or death notices at no charge to the family; others demand a rather significant fee.

Today, There's the Internet

Fortunately, online memorials have taken the place of the print obituary or death notice, and our funeral home offers what we consider to be the finest example of online memorials, the Book of Memories. Created by a team of award-winning web developers and designers lead by a funeral professional with over 25 years of experience, the Book of Memories is intended to provide your family with a permanent place to pay tribute to your loved one.

More About the Book of Memories

Far more than a traditional obituary—which is usually published only once and has no interactivity at all—the Book of Memories™ Memorial Website is a fully-interactive archive of treasured photographs and stories remembered from their time spent with friends, family, neighbours and co-workers.

You'll be able to invite others to visit the online memorial, where they can upload images, share stories, write heart-felt messages of condolence, send a floral tribute to the funeral, or make a charitable donation in memory of your loved one. And the built-in social media integration means they can then “spread the word” about their addition to your loved one’s Book of Memories™.

We offer the families we serve a Book of Memories™ memorial website with the intention that it gives you a measure of solace and comfort during the coming months.
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